Find Me at Synergia Cooperative Institute

Thursday, April 21, 2022


I retired from Athabasca University in late 2021, disillusioned with the then university leadership and its directions away from an open university's social mission to a fixation as an online university. 

I remain connected to my old Faculty at AU as Emeritus but joined some community development practitioner colleagues and together we founded the Synergia Cooperative Institute

You might be interested in the latest version of the Synergia Massive Open Online Course or MOOC entitled

Towards Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century

A university-based transition researcher, I have worked closely with activists, municipal governments, and citizens making systems change over my long career. Together we have learned from a vast community with diverse perspectives, visions of the future, and strategies for how to get there.  A rich mix of peer engagement, positive critique, and even sharp disagreement. 

Here is a link to my RESOURCE list for interested deep divers @ Wakelet.